
Prize Distribution Year 2018-19

S.No. Name Of Student Class Prize
1. Master Yash Satiwal Nursery General Proficiency in Academics
2. Miss Monishka Saini Nursery General Proficiency in Academics
3. Master Parth Jain Nursery General Proficiency in Academics
4. Miss Ayushi Kumari Nursery General Proficiency in Academics
5. Miss Kanak Saini Nursery General Proficiency in Academics
6. Master Aarav Saini KG General Proficiency in Academics
7. Miss Drishya Sathiwal KG General Proficiency in Academics
8. Master Lavish Jain Prep General Proficiency in Academics
9. Miss Sara Saini Prep General Proficiency in Academics
10. Miss Kavya Sharma I General Proficiency in Academics (86.76%)
11. Miss Gunjan Chhipa II General Proficiency in Academics(89.60%)
12. Miss Gunjan Panwar III General Proficiency in Academics(89%)
13. Master Chirag Patni IV General Proficiency in Academics (82%)
14. Miss Vaibhavi Manchanda V For securing an Aggregate “A” Grade in Boards
15. Miss Antima Chippa V For securing an Aggregate “A” Grade in Boards
16. Master Harsh Sharma V For securing an Aggregate “A” Grade in Boards
17. Master Dhanraj Yadav V For securing an Aggregate “A” Grade in Boards
18. Master Gaurav Saini V For securing an Aggregate “A” Grade in Boards
19. Master Mohit Bairwa V For securing an Aggregate “A” Grade in Boards
20. Master Rohit Bairwa V For securing an Aggregate “A” Grade in Boards
21. Miss Chelsi Saini VI General Proficiency in Academics (92%)
22. Master Yash Kumar Saini VII General Proficiency in Academics (92%)
23. Miss Priyanshi Jain VIII For Being the School Topper in Class VIII Boards
24. Miss Muskan Kumawat Prep For being the Most Regular student of the year


25. Master Mohit Kumawat V For being the Most Regular student of the year


26. Miss Chanchal Kumawat VII For being the Most Regular student of the year


27. Miss Chelsi Saini VI For Best Performance in Co- Curricular Activities
28. Master Harshvardhan Singh Rathore VII Best Performance in Sports
29. Miss Chanchal Kumawat VII Best Student of the year

Prize Distribution Year 2017-18

S.No. Name Of Student Class Prize
1. Miss Harshika Saini Nursery General Proficiency in Academics
2. Master Devyanshu Yadav KG General Proficiency in Academics
3. Miss Prachi Verma Prep General Proficiency in Academics
4. Master Vansh Sharma I General Proficiency in Academics
5. Miss Anushka Manchanda II General Proficiency in Academics
6. Miss Siddhi Kataria III General Proficiency in Academics
7. Miss Vaibhavi Manchanda IV General Proficiency in Academics
8. Miss Chelsi Saini V General Proficiency in Academics
9. Master Yash Saini VI General Proficiency in Academics
10. Miss Priyanshi Jain VII General Proficiency in Academics
11. Miss Akanksha Sharma VIII For Securing an Aggregate “A” Grade in Boards
12. Miss Ritu Saini VIII For Securing an Aggregate “A” Grade in Boards
13. Master Devyanshu Yadav KG(Pre-Primary) Most Regular Student of the Year
14. Master Lucky Kumawat IV(Primary) Most Regular Student of the Year
15. Miss Priyanshi Jain VII(Middle) Most Regular Student of the Year
16. Miss Khushi Saini V Best Performance in Co-Curricular Activities
17. Master Ashish Jain VII Best Performance in Sports
18. Miss Priya Jangid VII Best Student of the year

Prize Distribution Year 2016-17

S.No. Name Of Student Class Prize
1. Prachi KG General Proficiency in Academics
2. Riya Ghatak Prep General Proficiency in Academics
3. Darshana Kumawat I General Proficiency in Academics
4. Siddhi Kataria II General Proficiency in Academics
5. Harsh Sharma III General Proficiency in Academics
6. Dherya Bagda IV General Proficiency in Academics
7. Yash Kumar Saini V General Proficiency in Academics
8. Priyanshi Jain VI General Proficiency in Academics
9. Akansha Sharma VII General Proficiency in Academics
10. Khushi Kumawat Prep(203/207) Pre-Primary Most Regular Student of the Year
11. Abhishek Kumawat IV(207/210) Primary Most Regular Student of the Year
12. Ritu Saini VII(206/210) Middle Most Regular Student of the Year
13. Indra Jangid VII(206/210) Middle Most Regular Student of the Year
14. Anisha Sain VII Best Performance in Co-Curricular Activities
15. Rajendra Saini VII Best Performance in Sports
16. Chelsi Saini IV Best Student of the year

Prize Distribution Year 2015-16

S.No. Name Of Student Class Prize
1. Kunal Kumawat KG General Proficiency in Academics
2. Daksh Yadav Prep General Proficiency in Academics
3. Aditya Jain I General Proficiency in Academics
4. Khushi Saini II General Proficiency in Academics
5. Yash Saini III General Proficiency in Academics
6. Ashish Jain IV General Proficiency in Academics
7. Rishika Yadav V General Proficiency in Academics
8. Abhishek Kumawat II Full attendance in the year 2013-14
9. Rohit Saini IV  Sports Boy of the Year
10. Chelsi Saini II Best Performance in Co-Curricular Activities
11. Chanchal Kumawat III Best Performance in Co-Curricular Activities

Prize Distribution Year 2014-15

S.No. Name Of Student Class Prize
1. Yuvraj Saini KG General Proficiency in Academics
2. Tushar Saini Prep General Proficiency in Academics
3. Siddhi Kataria I General Proficiency in Academics
4. Chanchal Jangid II General Proficiency in Academics
5. Dherya Bagra III General Proficiency in Academics
6. Yash Kumar Saini IV General Proficiency in Academics
7. Ashish Jain V General Proficiency in Academics
8. Rishika Yadav VI General Proficiency in Academics
9. Rishika Yadav VI Most Regular Student of the Year
10. Rajendra Saini VI Sports Boy of the Year
11. Rohit Saini V Best Performance in Co-Curricular Activities